HomeScout Adds FinLocker for Loan Officers to Capture More Purchase Business, Prepare Consumers for Homeownership and Create Customers for Life

Mortgage originators can use the FinLocker-powered Vida app to capture and convert home buyers and sellers with data-driven personalized journeys, protect their database, streamline the mortgage application process, and secure more closings.

HomeScout, a wholly owned subsidiary of FirstClose™ and lender-centric home buying and selling platform, has partnered with FinLocker, a leader in digital, consumer-permissioned personal financial assistance tools, to create the “Vida” app for the HomeScout Pro platform to provide mortgage originators with a robust tool that will guide their home buyers and sellers with data-driven personalized journeys to achieve mortgage readiness.

“Vida,” which means “life” in several languages, was chosen to inspire home buyers and homeowners to achieve their life-enhancing financial goals, including homeownership, using the HomeScout app. The app features a robust set of financial tools to enable prospective homebuyers to build credit, manage their finances, reduce debt, create an affordable home buying budget, and trackable goals to save for their down payment and closing costs. Once home buyers have achieved mortgage readiness, as determined by their credit and financial data in their Vida app, they can use the embedded HomeScout property search to find homes in their desired neighborhoods to tour with their real estate professional.

“The Vida app is the natural progression in our partnership with FinLocker and allows us to further enhance our robust suite of tools and services at HomeScout, by providing mortgage originators with another channel to protect their database, capture more purchase business, and secure future revenue during shifting market conditions,” said David Camp, President of HomeScout. “The Vida app bolsters the way in which mortgage industry professionals engage with home buyers and sellers and stay tied to their contacts and prospects while elevating the consumer experience and helping more Americans realize the dream of homeownership.”

Homeowners can use their “Vida” app powered by FinLocker to maintain their credit and positive financial habits and monitor their equity, cash flow, and net worth to become successful homeowners. Homeowners will also receive their estimated home equity to determine when they have enough equity to apply for a cash-out refinance for a home renovation, debt consolidation, or pay off outstanding debts. They can also monitor comparable homes sold in their zip code directly from their Vida app to decide if it’s time to sell and connect with their HomeScout member lender to transact another mortgage and obtain the Home Value and Market Reports for insights on their current home’s value and research the property valuation of new properties.

“Since earlier this year, HomeScout has powered the embedded property search in FinLocker. Both companies are aligned with providing mortgage originators with affordable solutions that help them generate new leads up the funnel, protect their database, and provide meaningful engagement with their home buyers and homeowners to create customers for life. Partnering with HomeScout to create the Vida app was a logical extension of our shared mission,” said Brian Vieaux, FinLocker, President and Chief Operating Officer. “With the market more competitive than it’s been in many years, mortgage originators can confidently provide their home buyers with a FinLocker-powered Vida app to build credit, get mortgage ready and search for a home, knowing that it will reduce the exposure of their home buyers to third-party lead aggregators associated with many of the popular free personal financial management apps. As an additional service, FinLocker mortgage and banking clients who have a direct relationship with HomeScout will have their consumers directed to their company-branded HomeScout, further enhancing their customer’s home buying experience.”

The Vida app is an optional add-in to current and future subscribers of HomeScout Pro, which features a robust toolset that includes marketing tools, home value reports, market reports, and co-branding opportunities with their trusted real estate agents to build stronger relationships.

Contact us for details on subscribing to HomeScout Pro and you’ll be among the first to receive the Vida app.

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About HomeScout

HomeScout is a lender-centric platform dedicated to growing conversions and retention rates for the mortgage industry. HomeScout, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FirstClose™, a highly respected financial technology provider. This strategic partnership provides mortgage industry professionals with access to an extraordinary suite of solutions to best serve in-market home buyers and sellers while also providing the necessary tools to amplify business growth.

With HomeScout, consumers will find all the tools they need to help them through the home buying and selling journey, including a branded and secure search portal. HomeScout is committed to the retention and growth of database clients while providing commission security and consistency.

For more information on HomeScout, visit


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